My Objective

My primary objective is yo provide value to my team through critical thinking, communication and technical skill application. Based on my previous experiences in a small business environment, I understand many of the nuances of running a business end to end; this puts me in a unique position to support people with insight and empathy.

“Strive not to be a Success, But to be of Value.”

-Albert Einstein

This ethos by Albert Einstein resonates with me. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with countless other business minds. Listening to their challenges and grievances, a recurring theme emerged: the quest for value. This sparked a pivotal question in my journey: How can I amplify the value I provide? How can I be a catalyst for positive change and growth in their ventures?

The answer, I believe, lies not just in understanding the problems but in harnessing the right tools to solve them.

“Without data, your just another person with an opinion”

-W Edwards Deming, Data Scientist

Data stands as the cornerstone of informed decision-making. In a world awash with opinions and conjecture, the objective clarity provided by data is invaluable. As we stand on the brink of a new era, where data is poised to be the most significant commodity, I am committed to embracing this paradigm. By feeding comprehensive, intelligible data into sophisticated Machine Learning Models, we unlock the potential of Large Language Models that can mimic human-like interactions. This principle applies equally to the realms of visual arts and music, illustrating the transformative power of data-driven creativity.

However, with great power comes great responsibility.

“My worst fear is that we cause significant harm to the world. If this technology goes wrong, it goes quite wrong.”

-Sam Altman, Openai CEO

The cautionary words of Sam Altman serve as a sobering reminder of the ethical considerations that must underpin our technological advancements. As we navigate this uncharted territory, it is imperative that we tread lightly, we need to ensure that our innovations serve to uplift and benefit society, rather than to its detriment.